MD is currently ranked 26th in the nation for education. The school system has low expectations of our children and has accepted low proficiency as normal. Bad behavior is tolerated and without consequence to the offending student. According to The Nation’s Report Card, only 35% of our students score at the PROFICIENT level in reading and 32% in math. Only 72% of our kids score above BASIC for reading. The rating was 73% in 2002. This means over one-fourth of our kids are below the BASIC level for reading and have been for the past 20 years. Current lawmakers don’t understand the problem. Their only solution is to throw more dollars. The Thornton Commission has been in place for over 2 decades with no improvement. Now we have the Kirwan Commission’s Blueprint for Maryland’s Future , which dictates even higher spending levels, but has no concrete reforms to address accountability or guarantee success. I will push for a return to the original purpose of the school system: to teach reading, writing, math, sciences, history, and civics. I will oppose teaching CRT and similar propaganda content that have no basis in fact or reality.


I support parental rights and will push for full disclosure of all content being taught, and all assessments and surveys conducted by the school. I will push for parental consent for all health issues. I also support school choice which can be either tax credits for private tuition or having tax dollars follow the student. Both of these options will allow more parents to choose a better school for their children.


I support giving more control to the local school board, but the success of this plan is predicated on having good, sensible, and responsive local boards. This is why the BOE elections are so important this year, and I urge you to investigate these candidates thoroughly. Please consider:
Calvert County Lisa Grenis : Jana Post :
I also believe we need more fiscal accountability from each local district. The local boards should produce an audit of their previous year’s expenditures as well as a plan on how their funding will be spent which must include specific resources, projects, and a timeline. DISADVANTAGED WORKERS People find themselves in economically disadvantaged situations for a variety of reasons. The State should expand training programs to teach new job and life skills that would allow them to overcome whatever events put them at a disadvantage. We also need to focus more attention on reading, writing, and math in our schools so that kids are ready for the workforce when they graduate.



MD is currently ranked 26th in the nation for education. The school system has low expectations of our children and has accepted low proficiency as normal. Bad behavior is tolerated and without consequence to the offending student. According to The Nation’s Report Card, only 35% of our students score at the PROFICIENT level in reading and 32% in math. Only 72% of our kids score above BASIC for reading. The rating was 73% in 2002. This means over one-fourth of our kids are below the BASIC level for reading and have been for the past 20 years. Current lawmakers don’t understand the problem. Their only solution is to throw more dollars. The Thornton Commission has been in place for over 2 decades with no improvement. Now we have the Kirwan Commission’s Blueprint for Maryland’s Future , which dictates even higher spending levels, but has no concrete reforms to address accountability or guarantee success. I will push for a return to the original purpose of the school system: to teach reading, writing, math, sciences, history, and civics. I will oppose teaching CRT and similar propaganda content that have no basis in fact or reality.


I support parental rights and will push for full disclosure of all content being taught, and all assessments and surveys conducted by the school. I will push for parental consent for all health issues. I support giving more control to the local school board. But the success of this plan is predicated on having good, sensible, and responsive local boards. This is why the BOE elections are so important this year, and I urge you to investigate these candidates thoroughly. Please consider: Calvert County Lisa Grenis : and Jana Post : Charles County Cindy Coulby David Hancock Julie Brown Facebook Julie Brown for Charles County Board of Education Andre Griggs I also believe we need more fiscal accountability from each local district. The local boards should produce an audit of their previous year’s expenditures as well as a plan on how their funding will be spent which must include specific resources, projects, and a timeline.


I also support school choice which can be either tax credits for private tuition or having tax dollars follow the student. Both of these options will allow more parents to choose a better school for their children.


People find themselves in economically disadvantaged situations for a variety of reasons. The State should expand training programs to teach new job and life skills that would allow them to overcome whatever events put them at a disadvantage. We also need to focus more attention on reading, writing, and math in our schools so that kids are ready for the workforce when they graduate.
Al Larsen State Senate 27 Elect
Elect Al Larsen State Senate 27